Our SEND Provision
At St John’s Church School, we pride ourselves on our inclusive and personalised curriculum which includes all children and supports pupils with a range of special educational needs. These needs can impact upon the child’s capacity to learn in all areas or they can be more specific. We support children with the following areas of need:
· Communication and Interaction
· Cognition and Learning
· Social, Mental and Emotional Health
· Sensory and/or Physical
The SEND team work in partnership with children, parents/carers, class teachers, support staff and external agencies to organise and implement effective teaching and learning for pupils who have specific educational needs and/or disabilities.
How we support vulnerable pupils
For full details of how we support children with SEND, please read our SEND Information Report - link at the bottom of this page.
Here at St John's Church School, we are committed to creating an environment where all children thrive and strive to reach their full potential. We are dedicated to improving the life chances of children who are potentially vulnerable. Vulnerable children may need additional support for a number of reasons. The school works very effectively through the activity of its inclusion team to identify these vulnerabilities and to help children break down the barriers to learning and progress.
SENCo – Miss Kate Mann
​Kate is responsible for ensuring all children with special educational needs make the best possible progress. She does this by: liaising with staff on the best teaching methods, assessing children, ensuring children who need it have an individual education plan and where necessary instigating a request through an Education Health Care Plan for support for the child. Kate works closely with external agencies and other professionals.
Assistant SENCo - Mrs Jayne Webster
Jayne works closely with children, teachers and parents/carers to ensure that children's special educational needs are quickly identified and that adaptations and interventions are put in place to overcome children's barriers to learning.
Below are our current SEND report and policy, which details how the school currently supports children with SEND. This should be viewed alongside the Local Authority Offer, by clicking the link below.